This is Mickey. His previous owner did not care for him & he became badly infested with fleas. His new people are homeless, but they are taking good care of him.  The first thing they did when they adopted him was give him a thorough flea treatment, but this was not enough to clean up the infected wounds left by the fleas. He desperately needed to go the the vet so they called upon Hope for the Homeless Lakeside for help, & Tail is Up took on the vet bill.  Any help towards his $550 bill will help. Thank you!  

Tail is Up Foundation, Inc is a recognized 501(C)3 non-profit, Federal Tax ID number is 81-0866283. Your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Homeless People Love Their Pets.


Copyright Tail is Up Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Tail is Up Foundation

Homeless people care deeply about their pets & would refuse shelter if it meant abandoning them. Tail is Up is now venturing into the area of assistance for pets of the unsheltered. There are numerous issues where the homeless could use help with their pets. Some are obvious, some not so obvious.

1. Pet food & a consistent water supply
2. Medical veterinary treatment & medicines for illness or injury as well as spay/neuter, vaccinations & licensing
3. Equipment such as dog beds, leashes & collars
4. Fees to obtain an ESA (emotional support animal) Certificate, which is required for being accepted into some shelters.
5. This is an important one, and often overlooked. Pay to get a pet out of the pound when a homeless person has been arrested & their pet seized, as well as interim foster care for that pet during the person’s incarceration.

Please help us help our homeless neighbors with their beloved pets.